“Oelmaier Technology offers you powerful inverters to get the most performance from a solar system? Do you want reliable inverters?
We promise you: the high quality inverters import from Europe Technology have a yield performance that is unique in the marketplace and are optimally protected from distortions in the power on grid and off grid system. They deliver convincing performance.”
Solar Electric Systems, Commonly known as Solar Cell, are the basic systems for generating electricity from solar energy directly through a Solar Panel, made from a solar absorbing semiconductor. And turn it into direct current Which will be converted to AC (Alternating Current) power supplied to the home electrical system through an Inverter can be designed and installed in many formats. They have different characteristics and processes, and Solar Cell is another popular choice right now. Because it is a system that produces electricity from solar energy Which is renewable energy unlimited resource types and solar energy is a clean and environmentally friendly energy.
Chiang Mai Solar We are a Systems Integrator with high knowledge and expertise. In the solar energy business can provide advice Design and install the most suitable Solar Electric Systems for you. Due to the high cost of investment for installation and technical differences of individual power systems will affect the performance of Solar Electric Systems, so they must be designed and installed as possible. Must ensure that the material the equipment we use is of absolute quality. Standards for value in the long term and in order not to have problems after installation Which is what we always take into consideration.

Solar Panel
Solar Panel or Photovoltaics (PV) is to bring the Solar cell into the circuit together Therefore, Solar cells are part of Solar Electric Systems to enable them to generate and distribute electricity at a higher quantity. Will be able to generate high amounts of electricity into the system accordingly Which compared to the Solar cell with you lower. Which uses the same size of installation space.

Working of the Solar Electric System by receiving solar energy through Solar Panel, which sends direct current to the Inverter, which has an important function in converting DC (Direct current) power. Into AC (Alternating current) so that it can be used in the home electrical system which uses an AC power system.
Chiang Mai presents Solar Panel comprising Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells are the most efficient type of Solar cells. Compared to Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Thin Film Solar Cells The power generation feature per unit area, with Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells having an average lifespan of 25 years, which is the most compared to other Solar Cells, takes up less installation space. It can generate electricity when in low light conditions. The advantage of Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells This could be costly. Which must be determined by the need for electricity and cost of installation in the long term.
There are 3 types of solar cells.
1. Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells are made from high grade single crystalline silicon. Each cell looks like a rectangle, all four corners are darkened, reducing silicon consumption. And it can produce almost 4 times the electricity compared to Thin Film Solar Cells. Restrictions when partially shaded the panel. May not cause the substance to work at full efficiency.
2. Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells are the first solar cells. Made of crystalline silicon Commonly called Polycrystalline (Polycrystalline, p-Si) Each cell is a square. No corner cutting The color of the panel is not very dark blue, effective in use. Slightly better in high temperatures compared to the Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells.
3. Thin Film Solar Cells is the introduction of substances that can convert energy from light into electric current. To put on a thin film or layer Stacked several layers The different substances used are amorphous, amorphous silicon (a-Si), organic photovoltaic cells (OPC), Cadmium telluride (CdTe), and Copper indium gallium selenide (CIS / CIGS). Lowest efficiency compared to Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells, but they are cheaper.

The main design scheme of solar cell system is as follows.
On-grid system
The On-grid system is a system that is connected with electricity. It is designed for generating electricity through a device that converts the DC to AC power system directly into the power grid. The major system equipment consists of solar panels. A device that converts the DC to AC power system connected to the power distribution system.
Therefore there is definitely electricity to use Even when it’s cloudy Because the electricity from the electricity system will flow into the energy from the solar cell that is lost all the time. And if power production exceeds the demand for use in the home Can be used with other systems.
Moreover, there are few machines and equipment installed in the system. Save on maintenance costs Due to low maintenance costs.
Solar Electric Systems equipped with On-Grid systems are suitable for energy saving electrical installations. Because during the day It uses electricity produced from Solar cells mainly and uses PEA electricity during the absence of sunlight. This will save you the electricity you have to pay during the daytime. But keep in mind that Solar Electric Systems equipped with ON-GRID format, when problems with PEA power connected to the system are lost. It will affect the Solar Electric Systems connected as well.
Off-grid system
The Off-grid system is a system that is not connected to electricity. Electricity produced is stored in batteries. And used when we turn on the appliance By the capacity of the battery It depends on the energy demand of each house. The major system equipment consists of solar panels. Battery charge controllers, batteries and independent DC to AC switching devices, Make it more economical When compared with the case that needs to be extended to the electric power area over a long distance And there are no electricity bills that have to be paid for the electricity on a monthly basis, including in the case of being in a remote area, the power may fall or go out frequently, using an off-grid system can make the electrical system in the house less affected. It was damaged by a power outage that occurred.
Solar Electric Systems equipped with Off-Grid Systems rely on battery Storage Systems to help store electricity from the solar energy it produces. To preserve energy to use when needing electrical energy It is necessary to have space to install battery that can take care of Battery. To work efficiently There is a control of variables that will adversely affect the system. They must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the use of electricity. And equipment within the system.
Hybrid system
The Hybrid system is a newly developed system that combines the goodness of an on grid system with an off grid system because it is connected to the electricity for the sunless period and batteries are used to store the remainder of the energy produced during Day to use at night as well. Which the power system is very stable As there are 3 power sources (solar cells + batteries + electricity from the electricity) to help supply power. And as a backup power system This makes the house still have electricity even if there is a power outage, as well as being able to manage the power supply. So that the system can use electricity from the cheapest energy source.
Solar Electric Systems, Equipped with hybrid systems, have consistent power consumption when a single power source fails. You can be sure that you will have a continuous backup system, depending on the design and configuration of the system. The internal equipment of the system is an important part of electric energy storage, which is very important.

SMA Inverter is a product that Chiang Mai Solar recommends to customers. Because it is an Inverter with German quality standards That are accepted all over the world Effectively connect to the home system There are many models, we choose the most suitable inverter model. To be able to generate electricity from the sun to meet the needs of the customer. And there is no problem with insufficient electrical power. Find out, SMA Inverter is lightweight, easy to install. Takes up little space Can be hung with just two screws without the need for additional wall brackets. The product is currently being developed. To connect to the Online system Allows you to check the status of the power. On all smartphones and tablets.
With Chiang Mai Solar Systems Integrator experience, we have extensive knowledge of SMA Inverter products, which are rare in Thailand now. And you will be able to be sure that we will be able to propose a suitable solution. Cost effective for long term system installation.

Hybrid inverter is a design used in solar photovoltaic systems. And power inverter Come in the same body Makes it convenient and space-saving for installation.
Hybrid inverter system is a system that brings Off-grid and on-grid come together. This has to be connected to Battery Storage Systems to reserve electricity for use in the absence of sunlight. Which must be designed so that the Battery can store enough energy to meet the needs of electric power consumption and affects the number battery to be installed with each type of battery has a different capacity to store electricity. Must be considered according to the need for energy and the cost of investment.
SOLAX Hybrid inverter is a high quality Inverter. It operates in relation to the operation of three power supply systems: Solar Panel (Solar cell) , Battery Storage Systems and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) with efficiency and balance to online monitor the status of the system.

Currently, Thailand has a high proportion of farmers. Which relies on Solar pump systems to support agriculture Which has a high demand for water Using electricity from solar energy Will help reduce production costs and increase profits for farmers Even in the outskirts,Popular to drill groundwater for consumption The use of this system will save electricity costs in the home, in the future, solar pump systems will play a more role in the household level. Solving the water pressure problem in the household’s water supply system requires a pump to drive the water pressurized to efficiently circulate the water system in the home. Which if it is a pump that uses electrical energy coming from solar energy. Will definitely reduce the cost of the electricity bill.